Kuwaiti Oil Barrel Price75.11 Date:22-11-2024

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(Kuwait International Petroleum Company) wins two awards from the British Royal Society for Accident Prevention and Occupational Health and Safety


The British Royal Society for Accident Prevention (ROSPA) announced today, Thursday, that Kuwait Petroleum International Company won the award for the best accident prevention company in the petrochemical sector. In its awards ceremony for the year 2021, which was organized remotely, the association confirmed that (KPI) also won the gold award for occupational health and safety for the tenth year in a row. The first award is given as a recognition of the company’s superiority over its competitors in the leadership sector and its commitment to making safety procedures an integral part of the general work plans, while the golden award represents an appreciation from the Royal Society for the general performance of the Kuwaiti company in the field of adopting and implementing policies and procedures related to health and safety at work. The association stated that these awards also take into account the company's efficacy in facing the challenges resulting from the (Corona emerging - Covid 19) pandemic at various sectors and levels, adding that the performance of companies competing for awards is subject to evaluation by qualified and independent experts. Commenting on this coronation, KPI Chairman Sheikh Nawaf Saud Al-Sabah said in a statement, "We are pleased with this coronation because it reflects the dedication and focus we place on protecting our employees, assets and our brand." Sheikh Nawaf expressed his congratulations to all employees of the company, especially colleagues in occupational health and safety, who have done a "tremendous job" in establishing a culture of safety. The British Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (ROSPA), sponsored by Britain's Queen Elizabeth II, was established in 1916 with the aim of reducing work accidents in British factories, before expanding its initiatives to all sectors, and then began distributing its global awards since 1956. (Kuwait Petroleum International Company), which was established in 1983, is well known by the brand (Q8), which is a global marketing company affiliated with the Kuwait Petroleum Corporation and operates in Europe a huge and wide network of retail fuel stations and stations serving dedicated transportation routes. The company supplies global air navigation with jet fuel, in addition to manufacturing and marketing one of the best and finest types of oils in the world, and (Global Petroleum) manages Kuwait's refineries through international partnership companies (GVS).

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