The Ministry of Oil launches its awareness campaign, Yes, for vaccination
The Ministry of Oil launched its awareness campaign under the name "Yes_Vaccination", to urge
The employees of the ministry to register and receive the emerging anti-corona virus (Covid-19) vaccine, and the campaign comes as an affirmation of the preservation and safety of the ministry's employees and an embodiment of the importance of everyone coming together in facing this epidemic to reach prevention and achieve
Community immunity.
The Ministry of Oil said in a press statement, that the launch of the "Yes_Vaccination" campaign comes as a desire to share the calls of the distinguished cabinet to expand vaccination operations, in the interest of the health and safety of citizens and residents by inviting them to initiate registration to receive the vaccine against the emerging corona virus, in order to reach the largest number of vaccine recipients. In society, to reach community immunity, reduce HIV infections as much as possible, and gradually return to normal life
in the country.
The ministry added that the campaign includes the preparation and publication of encouraging videos and informative posters explaining the method of registering with the Ministry of Health, receiving the vaccine, and many tips about the feasibility and importance of the vaccine and publishing it through private communication means.
At the ministry to encourage employees to get vaccinated.
She indicated that the launch of the awareness campaign in the Ministry of Oil comes from its belief
Its societal role, which it used to play in all national campaigns concerning Kuwaiti society, being one of the pioneering and active actors that has always been
She has been a supporter and supporter of all important occasions and events.
The Ministry of Oil said that since the start of the campaign, it has been keen to invite and direct its employees through social media or in various media outlets to initiate registration to receive the vaccine through awareness messages and broadcasts from the health authorities to reassure everyone that the vaccine is an urgent necessity to overcome this crisis and quickly
Return to normal life.