Kuwaiti Oil Barrel Price75.11 Date:22-11-2024

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Secretary-General of OPEC confirms the importance of energy investment to ensure market stability


The Secretary-General of OPEC (OPEC) confirmed the importance of investing in energy to ensure market stability. Al-Ghais said in a speech at a meeting (Energy Security) at the meeting of energy ministers on Friday in Bali (Bali) in Indonesia under the umbrella of the meetings of the G20 and received a copy of the OPEC research estimated that the sector is estimated The oil in all its productivity needs to be estimated at more than $ 12 trillion until 2045 to ensure adequate supplies in the future to meet the expected growth in oil demand. He pointed out the importance of a comprehensive approach that includes all kinds of energy and techniques to ensure that energy is transformed towards reliable and affordable energy for all. The 2020 session was prepared for the 20th group under Saudi Arabia, the founding and important member of the OPEC, which has seen historical moments of OPEC member States and their partners in the OPEC Plus agreement and resulted in decisions Critical and historical treatment for the status of instability resulting from Corona. Al-Ghais met on the sidelines of the ministerial meeting from ministers and officials such as the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources in Indonesia, I know and the EU Energy Commissioner Kadrey Simson and Secretary General of the International Energy Forum Joseph Mambong and the Deputy American Energy Minister David Torck.

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